
Mishlei's Meanings

Time limit: 90 days
3 credits

Spots remaining: 20

$650 Enroll

Full course description

Come join us as we delve into the deep and timeless lessons of Sefer Mishlei, Shlomo HaMelech’s eye-opening sefer, providing guidance on many aspects of life. In this course, we will explore Sefer Mishlei based on topics and come to a deeper appreciation of: 

1. True Wisdom

2. The Power of Speech 

3. A Torah Perspective on Wealth 

4. Enhancing our Interpersonal Relationships 

5. The Eishes Chayil 

6. Chinuch Messages and Positivity.

7. And more!

This stimulating course will include video lectures, analysis of textual sources, meaningful discussions and creative assignments that will convey the eternal relevance of Sefer Mishlei.