

Time limit: 90 days
3 credits

Spots remaining: 19

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Full course description

In this course, we will plunge into the deep wisdom of Sefer Koheles and learn how it can be applied to our personal lives in a practical manner. 

The course is divided into 12 units based on topics such as:

1.     Searching for True Value

2.     A Time for Everything

3.     Understanding Apparent Injustice

4.     Purpose of Life, Human Interactions

5.     Interesting Characters - The poor, smart boy and the old, foolish king, The Evil Woman 

6.     Meaningful Speech

7.     Material Wealth and Possessions

8.     Prioritizing - Greater Than and Maximize Life!

9.     And more!

Each unit includes a video lecture as well as a discussion board forum where students can discuss and concretize the lessons learned. Some units have relevant homework assignments to further enhance appreciation of the topic.  Together, we will come to appreciate what is truly valuable and how to lead a deeply meaningful life based on the teachings of Shlomo HaMelech.