
Chumash: The Ramban: Foundations of Faith

Time limit: 90 days
3 credits

Spots remaining: 20

$650 Enroll

Full course description

Ramban presents us with a panoramic view of the Torah. Incisive examinations of Torah sections flow into profound explorations of the foundations of Judaism. P’shat and Medrash are coupled with innovative explanations of both the rationale and the benefits of the Mitzvos. 

Here, for the first time, a wider readership was introduced to Kabbalistic explanations of the Torah. History is woven into its fabric, the natural world a part of its canvas. Both lovingly respectful of his great predecessors and fiercely independent, the Ramban forged a unique path in Torah. In this course, you will walk that path and be enriched by its panoramic view. This is a 12-week accredited course.